The Academy’s Spiritual theme for the 2022-2023 School Year: Destined 4 Greatness
“Not everybody can be famous, but everybody can be great, because greatness is determined by service.” - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
In some form or fashion, we all strive to be great: A great parent, a great student, a great athlete, a great teacher, a great business owner, or even just a great human being. Whichever the road greatness is an aspiration held regardless of race, creed, educational status, or background. Over the years I realized that greatness isn’t just a human aspiration but a desire for us by God. God wants us to be great and to achieve great things!
Destined is defined as likely to do, receive, or become something in the future. Greatness is defined as the quality of being great, distinguished, or eminent. Combined we understand that being destined for greatness simply means that in the future there is something distinct that you are likely to receive. Biblically speaking when God created you, He placed seeds of greatness in you. You have the potential to grow and become who God created you to be. There is no limit to what God can do in the life of those who let Him in.
We should never underestimate the potential of greatness in You. With God by your side all things are possible, and nothing is impossible with God (Matthew 19:26.) You are God’s chosen one and God has destined you for greatness.
Domonique “Pastor D” Washington
Campus Pastor